Leicester Startups are very excited to be heading to St Martins House for a day of exclusive founder co-working!
The very nice people at the award-winning conference centre are even accomodating our startup community in the stunning Grand Hall!!
Read MoreThe University of Leicester invite you to attend an upcoming Café Enterprise event which is aimed at supporting students and graduates to explore entrepreneurial skills and ideas. Covering a theme, a panel of speakers will spark discussions with the event ending with networking and refreshments.
Discover how groundbreaking research from Leicestershire’s leading three universities is being transformed into real-world business opportunities at VentureVersity’s Demo Day.
https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ventureversity-demo-day-tickets-1029993025867?aff=oddtdtcreator Read MoreReserve your space at our first ever 'in-person' Demo Day, which concludes the 7th Leicester Startups Accelerator!
We've supported 10 local startups through a high-tempo programme of mentorship, networking and peer-support, and this is your opportunity to hear about their businesses and watch them pitch to a panel of expert investors.
Read MoreThe University of Leicester invite you to attend an upcoming Café Enterprise event which is aimed at supporting students and graduates to explore entrepreneurial skills and ideas. Covering a theme, a panel of speakers will spark discussions with the event ending with networking and refreshments.
The University of Leicester invite you to attend an upcoming Café Enterprise event which is aimed at supporting students and graduates to explore entrepreneurial skills and ideas. Covering a theme, a panel of speakers will spark discussions with the event ending with networking and refreshments.