Firstly a big thank you to the 54 people who responded to our feedback survey – it had given us a really healthy sample size and offers some fairly clear conclusions.
Click here to download a PDF of the main results.
Click here to download a PDF of teh responses from just those currently engaged in a startup
Click here to download the whole raw data set in Excel format.
What We Learnt
- Nearly two thirds of respondents are eitehr activive with a startup or considering it
- Overall, people are enjoying the various events that exist within the community
- Midweek days (Tues, Weds & Thurs) were moderately prefereable for events with a mind preference for mornings and evenings over afternoons. There is a potential self-selection issue given the historic prevalence of Wednesday mornings.
- Individuals expressed a clear preference for attending events on a monthly frequency. This was 50% overall and 75% for active startup people.
- Clear preference for networking events, seminars, talks & lectures across all segments
- Regarding event subject matter, groups expressed preference for tech experts plus new or accomplished startup entrepreneurs. Additionally, active startup people also liked business model and marketing experts.
- Event timings and locations where the main barriers to peoples’ attendence across all segments
- Likelihood of getting involved with a startup was nearly 50% across all groups (even split between definite and quite likely). For active startup people this goes up to 75% (50% definite, 25% quite likely)
- Three key needs identified that would make people more likely to startup: Finding a suitable idea, Finding the time, Finding suitable business partners
- 56% of respondents said they were more likely to startup as a result of attending community events.